Fhir Actually Was Positively Different

I had a brusque but really satisfying interaction alongside a developer at HIMSS 2018. They had implemented a airplane pilot projection us...

I had a brusque but really satisfying interaction alongside a developer at HIMSS 2018. They had implemented a airplane pilot projection using FHIR. Their use-case was to musical instrument the DoD systems alongside a FHIR Server API, as well as similarly musical instrument a VA Vista organization alongside a FHIR Client. The finish was to demonstrate how providers at the VHA could run across the DoD information acre using the Vista sense they are familiar with. 

They flora that adding a FHIR Server API inwards the forepart of the DoD organization to hold out quite achievable. 

They flora that placing a FHIR Client API behind an example of a VHA Vista to hold out quite achievable. I spent a flake to a greater extent than fourth dimension to sympathise this, equally I accept been working inside the VHA for over a year. What he truly did was stand upwards up a novel example of Vista. It should hold out noted that each VHA site has their ain example of Vista. Vista is an open-source project. So it is slow to stand upwards up your ain example of Vista. What he did differently is that rather than accept a data-base nether that Vista instance, he placed a service that implements FHIR Client. Thus equally Vista would desire to hitting its ain database, he would intercept that database request, as well as he would brand the equivalent FHIR API call, providing the reply to FHIR Client asking equally the database response. I suspect he did about optimization, but you lot teach the picture.

He had this fully working, as well as it worked really fast. H5N1 VHA user could interact alongside this example of Vista only equally if it was their ain site data. The interaction, User Experience, was identical to what they are used to.

Knowing that VHA mightiness hold out switching over to Cerner, as well as knowing that Cerner has a FHIR sandbox available... He directed his Vista FHIR Client to verbalize to the Cerner sandbox FHIR Server. With exclusively making the endpoint configuration as well as safety token settings; he flora that his Vista example worked close flawlessly. This organization was non designed to run alongside Cerner FHIR Server... BUT... because FHIR is truly delivering on Interoperability, past times existence uncomplicated as well as good defined, the organization only worked.

When I presented that I am business office of the FHIR standards evolution team, he wanted me to know how overly excitedly happy he was at this experience. He expressed that he has had long sense alongside networking standards, including HL7 v2, CDA, as well as others. He wanted me to know that "FHIR truly was [positively] different."

I accept no sentiment what volition come about alongside this pilot. It was non business office of the VHA Lighthouse project. It was likewise non business office of the FHIR run going on alongside MyHealthVet (The projection I am instantly assigned).



Health caresec Exchange Standards: Fhir Actually Was Positively Different
Fhir Actually Was Positively Different
Health caresec Exchange Standards
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